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Top 5 Fitness Tips || Dr Abida Sultana


Top 5 Fitness Tips || Dr Abida Sultana

Hello I am Dr abida sultana Today I will discuss Top 5 Fitness Tips. If someone reads Top 5 Fitness Tips article he will know more about this topic, let's read the article till the end.

What is physical conditioning based on?

As we mentioned previously, physical conditioning is known as the development of all those abilities that help us improve our physical performance through sports practice. It is mainly characterized by dividing its preparation and/or development exercises into different phases:

Strength, which helps to withstand greater physical load

  • Strength, which favors the support of heavy masses
  • Flexo-elasticity, which combines flexibility and elasticity, thus allowing the muscles to be stronger and more protected
  • Speed, which refers to training that allows you to cover a distance in a short time
  • Coordination, necessary to move quickly and efficiently
  • Balance, related to the previous point, allows our body not to lose control over itself.

It should be kept in mind that when you want to improve physical conditioning quickly or out of necessity, the exercises and routines must be guided by a sports professional. In this way we will prevent the muscles and joints from suffering injuries and serious consequences.

It must also be taken into account that the warm-up is the starting point of any sports routine or practice and therefore should always be done before putting any physical conditioning into practice.

How to improve physical conditioning day by day

If there are different routes, walk

Whether you are going to work, shopping, class or the pharmacy, try to choose the route or path that allows you to walk. In a few days you will be adding kilometers and steps to your routine, which will make your physical conditioning improve without you realizing it.

Change route.

When you have been following the first tip for several months, consider an alternative route to make your journey. Each path has different difficulties, which will improve your conditioning and physical form.

Disconnect from the routine with exercise

Now that spring is approaching, take your bicycle out of the storage room and dare to go with it everywhere. Go to work, run errands or just take a walk around your city. It will help you disconnect while doing sports.

Hydrate well

Always carry a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated. Remember that daily water consumption recommendations vary depending on your sex or gender, but try to comply with them.

Take care of your diet

Your eating habits also affect your performance. Therefore, put aside miracle diets and create a routine that allows you to eat everything in a balanced and healthy way.

Take time

We are stuck in a stressful routine, but if you manage to organize your days or weeks, you can surely take out at least half an hour of the day to dedicate yourself to improving your health and well-being.

Some of its benefits

  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Reduces cholesterol and the risk of developing diabetes
  • Helps maintain healthy muscles, bones and joints
  • Improves psychological well-being, reducing depression, anxiety or stress
  • Helps reduce the risk of premature death

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