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Unintentional weight loss || Unexplained Weight Loss: Causes And Treatments


Unintentional weight loss

Hello I am Dr abida sultana Today I will discuss A topic unintentional weight loss. If someone reads unintentional weight loss article he will know more about this topic, let's read the article till the end.

It is a decrease in body weight, when you are not looking to lose weight.

Many people gain or gain weight. Unintentional weight loss is the loss of 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) or 5% of your normal body weight over 6 to 12 months or less without knowing the reason.

unintentional weight loss Causes

A loss of appetite can be caused by:

feeling depressed

Cancer, even when there are no other symptoms

Chronic infections like AIDS

Chronic diseases such as COPD or Parkinson's disease

Drugs, including those used in chemotherapy, or antithyroid drugs

Use of illicit drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine

stress or anxiety

Chronic digestive system problems that decrease the amount of calories and nutrients your body absorbs, including:

Celiac Disease

Diarrhea and other infections that last a long time, such as parasites

Chronic inflammation of the pancreas

Removal of some part of the small intestine

Excessive use of laxatives

Other causes like:

Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa that has not yet been diagnosed

Diabetes that has not been diagnosed

Overactive thyroid gland

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