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What is Hemorrhoids or Piles? || Dr. Abida Sultana


What is Hemorrhoids or Piles? || Dr. Abida Sultana

By piles we mean a lump of swollen blood vessels inside the anus. All humans have this form of blood vessel pulp or 'cushion'. So we actually call piles or 'hemorrhoids' only when it is causing any symptoms. Such as a lump hanging out of the anus or bleeding.

The end of the rectum, or colon, has a cushion-like network of blood vessels inside and outside. which contracts and expands as needed. Its name is hemorrhoids or piles.

Causes of hemorrhoids or piles

Although the exact cause of hemorrhoids is not known, the following factors play a role in hemorrhoids.

1. Chronic constipation or diarrhea

2. Eat less vegetables and other fibrous foods and less water

3. Excess body weight

4. Pregnancy

5. Liver Cirrhosis

6. Straining to pass stool

7. Excessive use of laxatives or enemas

8. Spending more time on the toilet

9. old age

10. Having piles in someone's family

11. Lifting weights, sitting for long periods etc

Symptoms of hemorrhoids or piles

If inside the anus the following symptoms can be seen-

1. Painless bleeding during bowel movements

2. Anal swelling may or may not come out. If it comes out, it goes in by itself or can be inserted by hand. Sometimes it may happen that after coming out, it cannot be re-entered or if it is entered, it comes out again.

3. Burning, pain or itching in the anus.

4. In some cases, rectal pain may also occur.

> The following symptoms may be seen outside the anus-

1. Swelling outside the anus that can be touched and felt with the hand.

2. Sometimes there may be bleeding or rectal pain.

Foods that prevent piles:

Dietary fiber is mainly of two types. One is water-soluble, which forms a gel-like mass and slows the digestion process of the stomach. As a result, the stool becomes softer. The other is insoluble and is excreted with the stool after digestion. They help soften the stool.

So those who don't have problems with piles but suffer from constipation or diarrhea or IBS, add fiber to their daily diet beforehand.

These include –

1. Green vegetables

2. Seasonal fruits

3. Red flour bread,

4. Covered rice

5. Soap grains, barley

And with all this, it is necessary to drink plenty of water every day.

This will keep the stool soft and reduce the risk of piles by ninety percent.


If the problem of piles occurs, change the diet as per the advice of the doctor.

Foods to Avoid-

1. Avoid tea, coffee or caffeine. Green tea can be consumed in small doses.

2. Avoid foods with excess oil and spices.

3. Eat very little beef, or any red meat.

4. Avoid processed grains

5. Reduce the amount of milk, cheese, water and dairy products.

6. Avoid foods high in insoluble fiber like green leafy vegetables, pumpkin greens and stool-hardening vegetables like raw bananas.

7. Avoid eating foods rich in external preservatives.

8. Stop smoking, drinking.

We can get rid of this disease very easily as a result of coordination of our awareness, proper eating habits, regular moderate drinking of water, physical labor.


What is Hemorrhoids or Piles? || Dr. Abida Sultana 

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