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High Blood Pressure or Hypertension || Dr. Abida Sultana

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension || Dr. Abida Sultana 

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the lateral pressure exerted by blood while flowing through blood vessel.

This blood pressure is recorded through two values ​​–

Systolic and diastolic. The upper limit is called systolic pressure, and the lower limit is called diastolic pressure.

During each heart beat contraction and expansion of the heart occur,there is once systolic pressure and once diastolic pressure.

An adult healthy normal human has a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg.

If someone's b

lood pressure reading is 140/90 or higher, then they should know that they have high blood pressure.

On the other hand, if the blood pressure is 90/60 or around, then it is considered as low blood pressure.

Why is High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

In 90% of patients, no specific cause of hypertension is known. This is called primary hypertension. Generally, high blood pressure is more common in older people. Certain factors increase the risk of high blood pressure. For example:

Hereditary causes: High blood pressure has a hereditary pattern. If the parents have high blood pressure, there is a risk of the child also having high blood pressure.

Consumption of tobacco products and smoking: In response to various toxic substances in the body of smokers, high blood pressure, various diseases of arteries and veins and heart disease can occur.

Excess salt intake in food: Salt in food contains sodium. It increases the water content of the blood. It increases blood volume and blood pressure.

Overweight and lazy lifestyle: Not getting enough exercise and physical activity can lead to weight gain. This makes the heart work harder and causes high blood pressure in overweight people.

Unhealthy eating habits: Eating too much fatty foods like meat, butter and deep fried foods will lead to weight gain. Eating egg yolk and liver, brain increases blood cholesterol. When the blood has excess cholesterol, the walls of blood vessels become thick and hard. It can increase blood pressure.

Excessive alcohol consumption: People who regularly drink excessive amounts of alcohol are more likely to have high blood pressure. Alcohol contains extra calories. It causes weight gain and blood pressure.

Diabetes: Atherosclerosis is more common in diabetic patients. It causes high blood pressure in the elderly as well as in diabetic patients. Apart from this, they may have blindness and various kidney diseases.

Excessive stress: Excessive anger, excitement, fear and stress can also cause blood pressure to rise temporarily. If this stress continues and the patient is unable to cope with the increasing stress, hypertension can become permanent.

Certain diseases can cause high blood pressure. If a specific cause is found, it is called secondary hypertension. Some of these reasons are:

Kidney disease.

Tumors of the adrenal gland and pituitary gland.

Hereditary diseases of the arteries.

If you have eclampsia and preeclampsia during pregnancy.

Long-term use of birth control pills. Taking steroids and taking certain pain relievers.

Symptoms of high blood pressure:

One of the most dangerous things about high blood pressure is that the sufferer may not even know they have it. In fact, about one-third of people with high blood pressure don't know it. Because high blood pressure has no symptoms unless it is very severe. The best way to know if you have high blood pressure is through regular checkups. You can monitor blood pressure at home. This is especially important if you have a close relative with high blood pressure.

Symptoms of severe hypertension:

• Severe headache

• Epistaxis or Bleeding through nose.

• Fatigue or confusion

• Vision problems

• Chest pain

• Difficulty breathing

• Irregular heartbeat

• Blood in the urine

• Throbbing in chest, neck or ear.

Many people think that other symptoms may be related to high blood pressure, but they may not be. For example:

• Dizziness

• Nervousness

• Sweating

• Sleep problems

• Mouth flushing

• Bloodstains in the eyes

What should do if Hypertension occur:

Many people suffer from the problem of high blood pressure or hypertension. It is possible to stay away from it by taking proper diet. In order to reduce high blood pressure, one should plan such meals, which will have enough calcium, potassium and magnesium. Because, these food ingredients are helpful in reducing high blood pressure. Low-fat milk or fat-free milk or milk-based foods such as yogurt provide adequate calcium.Fresh fruits such as apples, bananas and vegetables are good sources of potassium. Tomatoes also have a lot of potassium. More magnesium is found in grains or whole grains, pulses, nuts, beans, pulses, chickpeas, red rice, red flour, potatoes, green vegetables, tomatoes, watermelon, milk and yogurt.

2 to 3 servings of low-fat milk or fat-free milk or milk products per day. A serving of milk or milk products is half a pound or a glass of milk or a cup of yogurt.

Fruit 4 to 5 servings per day. A serving of fruit consists of half a cup of sliced ​​fruit or a medium-sized apple or half a banana or half a cup of fruit juice. Whole fruit is better than fruit juice.

4 to 5 servings of vegetables are needed per day. A serving of vegetables is one cup of raw vegetables or half a cup of cooked vegetables.

7 to 8 servings of whole grains are needed per day. Examples of one serving of whole grains are one slice of bread or half a cup of rice or one cup of whole grains.

4 to 5 servings of seed like foods are needed per week. Examples of one serving of a seed-like food are one-third of a cup of almonds or one-half cup of cooked beans or peas.

Remedies and Prevention: A person with high blood pressure should make some changes in their lifestyle. If you are overweight, you should reduce it, if you have the habit of eating excess salt with food, that is, you should eliminate it. Regular physical activity should be done, vigorous walking should be done for at least 30 minutes a day and this should be done at least five days a week. Smoking should not be allowed.

Fruits rich in vitamin C such as grapefruit, oranges and lemons can act as potent antihypertensive agents. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that lower high blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and help keep your heart healthy.

A lot of green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, gourds, beans, eggplants, pumpkins should be kept in the diet. High blood pressure can be controlled by increasing the amount of potassium-rich foods in the diet. Some vegetables, including canned water, bananas, tomatoes, contain potassium.

If a person with high blood pressure does not control their blood pressure despite lifestyle changes, they must take medication and that must be done as per the advice of a specialist doctor.

If a person with high blood pressure has their blood pressure under control, they will have their blood pressure measured every six months. And if the blood pressure is not under control, then blood pressure should be measured every one to one and a half months or according to the doctor's advice.

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High Blood Pressure or Hypertension || Dr. Abida Sultana

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