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Dengue || Dr. Abida Sultana


Dengue || Dr. Abida Sultana

Dengue is caused by dengue virus. It is a mosquito-borne disease. There are 4 serotypes of this virus. Symptoms of dengue fever usually appear within three to fifteen days of transmission of the virus through the bite of an Aedes mosquito.


It is a dengue virus disease carried by an Aedes mosquito (Aedes Aegypti). These mosquitoes also transmit Zika, Chikungunya, and other viruses. Symptoms of dengue fever usually appear three to fifteen days after the virus is transmitted through the bite of an Aedes mosquito.

When a person is first infected with a virus, his body develops an immune system against that virus. That is why a person can be infected with dengue virus as many as four times in his lifetime. Because there are four serotypes of the virus, people who have previously contracted dengue fever are at risk of becoming fatal if they get dengue the next time.


Dengue fever usually occurs from July to October. Because Aedes mosquito spreads during this period.

When Aedes mosquito bites more:

The Aedes mosquito responsible for dengue fever does not bite in the dark. Aedes mosquitoes are usually active in the early morning and early evening. But can bite at any time of the day in a dark environment.


1. The main symptoms of dengue fever. Temperatures can range from 99 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit. The fever may persist, and may recur after the fever is relieved by sweating.

2. There may be pain in the body, there may be pain in muscles and joints.

3. Headache may occur.

4. Pain may be felt behind the eyes.

5. Red spots or rash may appear on the skin.

6. In addition, the patient's nausea, lack of appetite, diarrhea, bleeding from the gums or nose or anus, sore throat, difficulty in swallowing - these are also symptoms of dengue.

Who is more prone to dengue: Generally young children, elderly people or those with pre-existing diseases, those with weakened immune system are more prone to dengue. But this disease can happen to anyone at any age.


There is no vaccine for this disease. So preventive measures should be taken.

• Mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant open container water. Water can accumulate in pet food bowls, water bowls, flower plant tubs, coconut garlands, vases, unused buckets, can shells, abandoned tires, open aquariums, refrigerators or air conditioners. They should be kept clean.

• The key to preventing dengue fever is to prevent the spread of the Aedes mosquito and prevent these mosquitoes from biting. Remember, Aedes mosquitoes live in large buildings in elite areas. This mosquito lays its eggs in clear water. They don't like dirty, smelly drain water. Therefore, to prevent dengue, the places suitable for laying eggs of Aedes mosquitoes should be kept clean and at the same time necessary measures should be taken to kill mosquitoes.

• Care should be taken to avoid mosquito bites on the affected person. A patient with dengue must be kept under a mosquito net at all times, so that no mosquito can bite the patient.

• Aedes mosquitoes usually bite in the morning and evening. But other times can bite. So during the day the body should be well covered with clothes, mosquito repellent can be used if necessary. Along with the use of sprays, coils, bats for killing mosquitoes, mosquito repellents should be used day and night if necessary to avoid mosquito bites.

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