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Benefits of sea water for the skin

Benefits of sea water for the skin

Sea water for the skin is one of the natural cosmetic ingredients that provides the most properties and nutrients. We understand as thalassotherapy the treatments that collect the multiple beneficial properties of the sea such as water cure, climate, light and heat from the sun.

Seawater has been highly valued throughout history, marking great improvements at a medical level. Hippocrates in his time already recommended "marine water because it drove away lower back pain and tired legs" and advised it "in pruritic or erosive conditions".

In France in 1899, Dr. Bagot indicated "balneotherapy" (alternating hot and cold seawater baths and the use of a jet shower to massage painful areas) with "marine climatotherapy" (the sea as a giant natural aerosol loaded with particles) to treat rheumatic conditions for the first time.

During the cholera epidemic, in 1904 Quinton, a French biologist, contributed greatly to reducing infant mortality, demonstrating that isotonic seawater could be used instead of blood plasma.

Benefits for the skin of sea water

Composition of sea water

Seawater has a composition similar to that of our blood plasma and contains vital elements, mineral salts, vitamins and trace elements. It must be taken into account that fresh seawater is alive and some of its components do not last more than 24-48 hours outside their natural environment. Many studies are carried out with the hypersaline waters of the Dead Sea due to its special characteristics. And it has been shown that the benefits of seawater for the skin are so many that they make it an ideal product to use in cosmetics, used in its proper measure.


Benefits of sea water for the skin

Antiseptic properties, which is why it helps heal small wounds such as acne, and anti-inflammatory, which is why it can reduce inflammation and help cure many skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, vitiligo and acne. eczema.

Exfoliating properties, which help to keep the skin clean and free of toxins thanks to the salt.

Nutritional properties: favors skin nutrition due to its high mineral content, for example, magnesium improves its hydration.

Sea water and atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that occurs in flare-ups. It is characterized by the presence of intense pruritus, extreme dryness of the skin, erythema, oozing, crusting, and scaling.

The usual treatment is corticosteroid creams. But since it is a chronic pathology, there is a greater risk of adverse effects and that is why other solutions are sought, such as seawater to prevent outbreaks.

Seawater can provide a thin and flexible film on the skin that prevents water loss and provides elasticity that relieves symptoms and makes the skin smooth.

Regarding topical hydration, a distinction must be made between moisturizing creams, that is, those that retain water in the corneous layer. And emollient creams, that is, those products that also contribute to the flexibility of the skin. Both substances are essential in the care of atopic skin.

Normally, water far from the shore is chosen since it is usually more polluted and, if possible, it is deep because it has more minerals and organic products that improve its qualities.

Clinical Trials

Several clinical trials demonstrate the anti-inflammatory effect of seawater.

Clinical trial with skin cultures scientifically evidences that the application of Dead Sea water promoted the expression of proteins related to the barrier and increased the cutaneous secretion of endorphins, decreasing inflammation and irritation.

Another trial demonstrates that the application of Dead Sea water enhances the removal of UVB-damaged skin cells suggesting that seawater is a potent candidate for the prevention of UV-induced skin cancer development.

algae for the skin

Benefits of sea water for the skin

Marine resources exist in vast quantities and display enormous diversity. For example, many species of algae can be used in moisturizing, anti-aging products or due to their antimicrobial properties they will have to be considered as an alternative to current preservatives.

Algae make up a large part of the marine flora and contain proteins and vitamins, a large amount of minerals and trace elements in concentrations higher than those of seawater.

  • Algotherapy
  • Algotherapy is the use of algae for therapeutic treatments.
  • Natural (partially or totally covering the patient's body).
  • Freeze-dried (fermented algae powder) to be added to bath water or as a plaster or cream.


In cosmetics they are widely used in the form of creams, soaps to prevent stretch marks (Spirulina), stimulate collagen synthesis favoring tissue regeneration and wrinkle reduction (Chorella Vulgaris) among other uses (moisturizing, anti-cellulite).

Quite a few species of algae can be used in moisturizing and anti-aging products thanks to their antimicrobial properties that will have to be considered as an alternative to current preservatives.


This is the therapeutic use of peloids, muds or muds, in the form of local or general application, always external, on the area to be treated for therapeutic or cosmetic purposes. Probably the best known slimes or muds in the world are those of the Dead Sea. The application method can be:

Egyptian method: extraction from the place of origin and plastering in layers of about 10-20 cm thick that are kept in the sun (walking) until the upper layer reaches a temperature of about 50ºC, which limits its use in latitudes and times of the year. that can be achieved.

Thalassotherapy center: heating of the mud and subsequent application with plastering of the areas to be treated.

As we can see, there are many and very beneficial applications that sea water and elements of the marine environment can have for the body in general and for the skin in particular. The ideal is to put yourself in expert hands and go to approved centers that use seawater in the right conditions to achieve optimal results and remember that before using these therapies, if you have a skin problem, it is best to consult with a dermatology expert.

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